Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Peter - Carepages - June 12th, 2007

Just a quick note for now. Things are crazy trying to get everything set up to come home. I have a huge list and feeling lonely as I haven't yet snuggled my little man today...sniff! John reminds me I have plenty of time to do that!! At this time John and I will be spending the night at the hospital to get a "trial run" in before going home. We may be going home tomorrow, if not it will be Thursday. I did want to let you know that Peter's interactions and exposure will be restricted. Due to his heart condition it is imperative that he be kept healthy. We need to figure out what that will mean with basic things like going to church and managing our other kids desires to hold and kiss him. The nurse managing Peter said we needed to be very careful. So while we look forward to having many of you come and visit after we get home, please understand if we are a bit picky on times, making sure hands are washed and avoid runny noses. :-) Not sure if I will get another update out today, but will try to get one out tomorrow early if we are staying, later if we are home. Thank you once again for all your love, support and prayers. I'm giddy today and typing a million miles an hour. Still prayerful for a miracle with Peter's heart - but knowing the miracle might mean an amazing doctor and a fast recovery. HUGS! catherine

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