Sunday, July 29, 2007

Peter - Carepage - July 29th, 2007

Sorry for the delay in an update. I went back to work this week and still trying to get organized and into a routine! Peter had a very good week. On Monday - at exactly 2.1/2 months Peter gave us his first smile, then second, third and one more. We were so excited to see his little eyes scruch up and a smile form on his lips. We've been working him hard to get more out - but have only been worthy of a few more. We are hoping they will become more and more frequent!! The cardiologist visit went fine - Dr. Duster is tickled with Peter's progress. I had hoped we would start the oxygen weaning soon, but Dr. Duster decided to wait till the end of August for the next echo. Peter's scar is healing beautifully. It is amazing how resilient little ones are - so soon after his surgery and you would not know he had major surgery but for the line up and down his chest. We saw our pediatrician Dr. McCaffery on Tuesday. He is thrilled with how active Peter is, and says it is a good indication of his potential and IQ. Once again Peter just about wiggled off the table, and wacked Dr. McCaffery as he tried to peer down his throat. The throat has healed and all else looked and sounded great. Peter broke the ten pound mark by gaining an amazing 6.5 ounces in a week - making it to 10lb 4.5oz! Yeah Peter!! We still need the feeding tube which is a bummer, but Dr. McCaffery continues to help us make progress in the right direction. Peter has moved from eating 2.1/2 ounces every 3 hours, to eating 4 ounces every 4 hours. Spreading out the feedings should give him time to digest and get hungry, and the larger amount should expand his tummy a bit to also help him feel hungry and feed better. We've seen some improvement in his eating - but not good enough to get rid of the tube. We ask for continued prayers for Peter and this skill....we really don't want to have to get a G-tube! Being the wacky mama that I am, I will just about feed him upside down if I have to in order to have him eat. I have often got him to eat the whole feeding through the bottle - so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Having the longer gap between feedings has also been a real blessing for our family - giving us an opportunity to do more together as a family. We were so excited to all go to church together today - also Peter's first Mass....and he slept right through it! Lastly, Peter continues to make progress with his physical therapy and we are so excited. We recently saw other kids his age, and realize where he is delayed. However, week over week we see him achieve more and more. I get so excited when he brings his knees up to his tummy, hands together or keeps his head in the mid-line. It has taken Peter to show us how to appreciate the little is more often full of little accomplishments that build into something amazing, than just one big one. Some days it is easy to get busy and forget to be thankful. Then I'll see Peter do something we normally would take for granted - and my world stops spinning for that split second so that I can truly get excited and chalk up one more on life's board of blessings!! I've posted a couple of new pictures. Hope you enjoy them! The plan at this time is to try and post and update on each weekend until Peter is off oxygen and feeding tube. Thank you for reading each of his updates, and giving us encouragement during this awesome adventure we've been on. I look forward one day to sitting with Peter, reading these updates to him and explaining to him how special each and every one of you is that has stood along the road and cheered us on during the journey. Peter really has an amazing cheerleading squad - thank you!! Hugs! catherine